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Showing posts from July, 2010

How to Listen

Speaking the language of the people around you can be a much more difficult task then you could imagine. Not everyone has the charisma to captivate an audience of 1-1000 with ease. That is why listening is one of the most important things you can do as a leader. All too often, leaders of today are so confident in the abilities that got them where they are that they expect those around them to mold to fit them. Several companies have enlisted the help of external consultants and educators to attempt to "teach" people how to listen. Unfortunately, no amount of practicing asking questions and para-phrasing someone's comments can really teach someone how to "listen". Those drills are for Management 101. I thought about this while watching that reality show about Corporate CEO's that work a few days in the "trenches" to gain a different perspective. They gain an understanding of both their people and the way their company really operates. In re...

RetailBizBlog is BACK!!

Hello readers, and sorry for my LOONNGGG absence away from my writing. Through reading my last older posts, it should be obvious that I was in the process of starting with a new company. I have been there now for coming up on one year, and have focused my energies to the success of that position. I am still there, and have had many great experiences that I think would be great to share with everyone. Please stay tuned, as I plan to continue at my old pace of 1 or 2 posts a week!! Thanks for sticking with me....or tuning in for the first time!!