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Showing posts from July, 2011

Is Turnover Changing How You "Sell" Your Company?

In the retail world, turnover seems to be rising at an astounding rate as employees have much more to consider than just having a job.  With the state of the economy, things that were "perks" are now deal breakers when it comes to sticking it out with a company.  Employees now must take almost everything into consideration when deciding to keep their job or to make a change.  Daily commutes, employee discounts, benefit packages, corporate stability, and even just a small monetary increase can make or break that decision. I have started to see some companies take the "pay me now" approach versus the long adopted "reward me later".   Some employees are starting to see their long-term rewards and benefits disappear as their company eliminates those benefits to bring back bonus structures, employee allowances/discounts, and even 401k matches.  Working for the same employer for more than 5  or even 10 years won't necessarily bring any rewards anymore.  Wh...

Know Your Customer, Build Your Reputation

The reputation a company has is built upon consistent delivery during the customer experience.  That statement holds true for both positive and negative experiences.  What is your reputation? Are you maintaining a good one or repairing a bad one?  Online retail is almost exclusively built on trust and reputation.  Seller reviews and post-sale customer service experiences are the key components most online buyers are looking for.  What most people don't realize, is these reviews are also a great resource to find ways to improve the way you do business.  Look at competitors negative reviews, and make their weakness your strength.  These reviews are also a great way to identify in store opportunities.  You may encounter why a certain product is doing so well online by reading the great things people are saying, and use that as additional product knowledge. Reputation also goes into your success in attracting the very best talent available to...