In the retail world, turnover seems to be rising at an astounding rate as employees have much more to consider than just having a job. With the state of the economy, things that were "perks" are now deal breakers when it comes to sticking it out with a company. Employees now must take almost everything into consideration when deciding to keep their job or to make a change. Daily commutes, employee discounts, benefit packages, corporate stability, and even just a small monetary increase can make or break that decision. I have started to see some companies take the "pay me now" approach versus the long adopted "reward me later". Some employees are starting to see their long-term rewards and benefits disappear as their company eliminates those benefits to bring back bonus structures, employee allowances/discounts, and even 401k matches. Working for the same employer for more than 5 or even 10 years won't necessarily bring any rewards anymore. Wh...
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