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Showing posts from August, 2012

Facebook Part 2 - Power to the People

I think Time magazine ironically, and certainly unintentionally, hit the nail on the head in portraying the interesting turns that have occurred at Facebook.  2010 Time Magazine Person of the Year - Facebook Founder and CEO - Mark Zuckerberg.  2011 Time Magazine Person(s) of the Year - The Protester. Facebook had provided a launch pad like no other for groups to form, messages to be heard, and entire public opinions to be changed!!  It starts with little things like fans of Betty White creating a "movement" to push the people at Saturday Night Live to invite her as a host - success!! It grew into such large things as the foundation and communication line for much of the "Occupy" movement in 2011...the odd twist that Zuckerberg built the stage for "The Protester". I saw amazing things happen as people took to the internet to "get the word out".  There was a mother from my hometown that was stripped of her parental rights by her heartless ex th...

Facebook Part 1 - The Goldmine

Facebook has lured hundreds of millions of users into one place.  I could leave just that one sentence and every marketing executive in the world could read that combined with the title of this article and simply say, "Yep!" Then Facebook took things farther by leaps and bounds!! First it was keyword advertising. You make a post about travelling, suddenly there are ads for travel agencies and vacation destinations filling the borders of your browser.  These were great because they happened somewhat without you noticing.  You happened to be thinking of a vacation, and Carnival just so happened to have an add on your page!! Coincidence?! Haha..I think not! Then Facebook partnered with app developers, offering them a platform to reach hundreds of millions of credit card wielding users.  Zynga is among the most notable developers to use Facebook as a springboard to achieve targets that far exceeded their initial expectations.  With games like CityVille, Farmvill...