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Breaking Down the Customer Experience

As we head into the new year, I am starting to see a lot of articles about how CEO's are identifying the "customer experience" as their key initiative for 2013.  My first thought was to start posting several links to some of the better articles and ideas that are being shared. Then I thought, that isn't really what I have started with this blog.  If you really wanted to find good articles...sign up for Twitter!!  My goal has been to simplify everything for anyone that is curious about retail.

Breaking down the "customer experience" is really what CEO's are trying to define and influence.  The experience has changed so much in the last 10-15 years, that many company's are finding themselves way behind to the point of having no clue how to catch up.  So here it is, the customer experience of today -

Technology - Consumers are now equipped with devices that can far influence their experience before they even step foot in your door!!  Social Media, Online Stores, Discount/Savings Apps, Customer Review Sites, and even "word-of-mouth", can go viral in a matter of hours!!

To influence - A technology/social media team is necessary.  People that can monitor and manage your corporate presence in the online community.  Being aware and present in this exponentially expanding market will ensure you do not get left behind!  In addition to this, don't let your in store technologies fall behind either.  POS systems are not only getting better, but they are even going mobile!  I personally already have a fully functional mobile "wallet".  If it weren't for the spot to hold my Drivers License, or that cool imprint in my jeans, I would no longer carry my "Costanza"!

"Street Cred" - I know that probably sounds a little funny, but in a time when the general will of the people is currently very high, this has become something that can not be overlooked.  Many companies have neighborhood programs around their stores, and that is only the start of building a lasting reputation.  Unfortunately, there are even more companies that completely miss the importance of their standing in the community and their only advertising of good deeds, is a line in their quarterly reports for "charitable donations."

To Influence - Regardless of your size of company, this must be a "grassroots" effort of sorts to be genuine.  A sudden memo stating a requirement to "do something" in your neighborhood just adds to a workload that is usually too much anyway!  This is where you need to ask your market leaders for their input, and empower them to act.  They know their areas best, and they have the leadership to rally an effort for change.  The best side effect to this - a HUGE jump in employee moral, and employee ownership.  Companies that do these things well have CEO's that have very high approval scores and company cultures that all employees rave about!!

In Store Service - In a still sagging economy, customers are looking for value above all, and armed with the latest technology  -  they will find it!  I have attempted to define value several times in this blog, but the problem now, is the customer is reacting faster than companies can plan for.  Consumers are much more willing to shop at discount retailers, as the in-store service at a more premium retailer has taken a large drop.

To Influence - When I started in retail, it was all about the customer!  It is again.  Service needs to be personal.  Robotic "how are you today?" greets, just won't cut it.  Think about the avenues the other two points are building.  Establishing a relationship in the neighborhood is very personal and intimate.  Customers want to feel that they are being helped with an individual and customized approach.  Doesn't matter if you are Home Depot or Tiffany's, the customer wants to know that their individual needs are being addressed and met.  Growing your technology then gives you the most personal way possible to connect with your customers; direct to the phone in their pocket!!  Whether it is a social media blast, email, text, or even a phone call direct from a store (yes getting that personal is okay), companies have more access to their target market than ever before.  Name tags should once again have names, cause your customers go introduce yourself!!!


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