Yesterday, I spent some time walking the mall. I was specifically looking at the visual execution of stores in the mall. While, I was overall pretty impressed with the elevated level of appearance standards from the last time I did this exercise, I still saw several things otherwise great looking stores missed.
Mannequins - These are the most important displays in your store. Not only should the mannequin be in good condition, but it should be dressed in such a way, that a customer would want to have the same look. Mannequins can drive your store sales by also including accessories to add to the detail and complete the look. I was disheartened to see mannequins that were in store windows, with broken pieces! I also saw clothes that appeared "flat". They looked as if they were unfolded and then just draped over the mannequin. As you adjust your own clothes after putting them on to look right, you should treat your mannequin the same. The more like a person they look, the more effective they will be!! **TIP - Give your mannequins a name!! After you dress them introduce them to a co-worker. It might sound silly, but you wouldn't introduce a friend that looked sloppy to someone, would you?
Windows - While I understand that it is not possible to keep up with every passing kid that drags their hands across the front of your store, some store windows looked like they were cleaned with a box of KrispyKremes. Windows, unfortunately, can easily become an afterthought. Customers passing by your store can and will make assumptions about the product and customer service they can expect from a store with a dirty exterior. **TIP - For big exterior windows, generously spray window cleaner on the top half of the windows. Then use an extended reach squeegee and wipe from top to bottom. Use one towel to wipe excess from bottom of the window.

Visual Elements - Unique displays create visual interest that will draw customers closer to your product. The more real the better. The best way to describe this is with TV's. Have you ever gone to a TV store and bought the TV that had the fuzzy picture or maybe wasn't even turned on at all? But the big TV with bright clear picture drew you in. Then it was an easy approach of the salesman to give you enough product knowledge and direction to find the TV in your price range and viewing requirements. (Right: Two stores from the same chain. Which one do you think sells more TV's?) Look at your displays. Do the items look realistic? If your displays do not create any emotional connection....adjust them!
Daily Maintenance - While this is where I saw a significant improvement, this is the most important part to not let slide! Maintaining that focus of maintaining your store appearance throughout the day can make all other tasks go by so much easier! Shirts were folded neater, fixtures and floors were free of dust, lighting was all turned on, and racks were full....KEEP IT UP!!!!
Mannequins - These are the most important displays in your store. Not only should the mannequin be in good condition, but it should be dressed in such a way, that a customer would want to have the same look. Mannequins can drive your store sales by also including accessories to add to the detail and complete the look. I was disheartened to see mannequins that were in store windows, with broken pieces! I also saw clothes that appeared "flat". They looked as if they were unfolded and then just draped over the mannequin. As you adjust your own clothes after putting them on to look right, you should treat your mannequin the same. The more like a person they look, the more effective they will be!! **TIP - Give your mannequins a name!! After you dress them introduce them to a co-worker. It might sound silly, but you wouldn't introduce a friend that looked sloppy to someone, would you?
Windows - While I understand that it is not possible to keep up with every passing kid that drags their hands across the front of your store, some store windows looked like they were cleaned with a box of KrispyKremes. Windows, unfortunately, can easily become an afterthought. Customers passing by your store can and will make assumptions about the product and customer service they can expect from a store with a dirty exterior. **TIP - For big exterior windows, generously spray window cleaner on the top half of the windows. Then use an extended reach squeegee and wipe from top to bottom. Use one towel to wipe excess from bottom of the window.

Daily Maintenance - While this is where I saw a significant improvement, this is the most important part to not let slide! Maintaining that focus of maintaining your store appearance throughout the day can make all other tasks go by so much easier! Shirts were folded neater, fixtures and floors were free of dust, lighting was all turned on, and racks were full....KEEP IT UP!!!!
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