As companies evolve trying to keep up with their tech savvy customers, there are still some very simple "Do's and Don'ts" to keep in mind.
5 Do's of Great Customer Service
1. DO have a genuine greeting. No longer is this a formal robotic welcome to every pulse that passes through your door, but a warm conversation intended to develop a connection with your customers.
2. DO be honest. I guess this should go without saying, but even if you ask the most successful commissioned salespeople, being honest will create a bond that will deliver long term results that will far outweigh any potential increase today (could even generate a larger increase today if your customer recognizes your honesty!)
3. DO be happy. If you don't like your boss, or are having a bad day, that has nothing to do with the customers. They should always feel you are happy to be there.
4. DO be Knowledgeable. Product knowledge, corporate knowledge, current promotional knowledge, and now - tech knowledge! If your customers are armed with the latest in technology to help them in their shopping, know what is available to them, and make those apps a compliment to your already great service.
5. DO go the extra mile. Customers today have low expectations and high hopes. Always think of ways to make your service "better than the rest"! I had one customer deliver us Christmas cookies and a very enthusiastic "Thank You!" after we called another location to hold product we did not have. It doesn't take much to make a huge impact!!
5 Don'ts of Great Customer Service
1. DON'T ignore the customers. Let me be clear - It is NEVER ok to assume the customer will come to you when they want something, and therefore should be left alone.
2. DON'T be greedy. Yes there is pressure to hit sales goals, but when your customer senses greed as your motivation, the experience is killed. They likely, at that point, will either leave or buy the minimum items they need. They also will assume you are an accurate representation of your store, and will be very skeptical towards future interactions.
3. DON'T have a bad attitude. Having a bad day? Get out your issues before you clock in! Not only could this turn real ugly real fast, but you could even put your own employment in jeopardy if you can not control yourself.
4. DON'T be a robot. Letting the customer shop and then silently checking them out at the POS, is definitely NOT giving your customers reason to return.
5. DON'T be unaware of your job. Having new people that are still learning is one thing, because they can still have a positive attitude to make learning with the customer fun. Having people that just don't know what they are doing can be one of the most frustrating interactions a customer can have. As with (#4 above), customers are now armed with enough technology that instead of serving as the intended compliment to your service, they can and will become a substitution!
5 Do's of Great Customer Service
1. DO have a genuine greeting. No longer is this a formal robotic welcome to every pulse that passes through your door, but a warm conversation intended to develop a connection with your customers.
2. DO be honest. I guess this should go without saying, but even if you ask the most successful commissioned salespeople, being honest will create a bond that will deliver long term results that will far outweigh any potential increase today (could even generate a larger increase today if your customer recognizes your honesty!)
3. DO be happy. If you don't like your boss, or are having a bad day, that has nothing to do with the customers. They should always feel you are happy to be there.
4. DO be Knowledgeable. Product knowledge, corporate knowledge, current promotional knowledge, and now - tech knowledge! If your customers are armed with the latest in technology to help them in their shopping, know what is available to them, and make those apps a compliment to your already great service.
5. DO go the extra mile. Customers today have low expectations and high hopes. Always think of ways to make your service "better than the rest"! I had one customer deliver us Christmas cookies and a very enthusiastic "Thank You!" after we called another location to hold product we did not have. It doesn't take much to make a huge impact!!
Good service is NOT hard to do!! |
5 Don'ts of Great Customer Service
1. DON'T ignore the customers. Let me be clear - It is NEVER ok to assume the customer will come to you when they want something, and therefore should be left alone.
2. DON'T be greedy. Yes there is pressure to hit sales goals, but when your customer senses greed as your motivation, the experience is killed. They likely, at that point, will either leave or buy the minimum items they need. They also will assume you are an accurate representation of your store, and will be very skeptical towards future interactions.
3. DON'T have a bad attitude. Having a bad day? Get out your issues before you clock in! Not only could this turn real ugly real fast, but you could even put your own employment in jeopardy if you can not control yourself.
4. DON'T be a robot. Letting the customer shop and then silently checking them out at the POS, is definitely NOT giving your customers reason to return.
5. DON'T be unaware of your job. Having new people that are still learning is one thing, because they can still have a positive attitude to make learning with the customer fun. Having people that just don't know what they are doing can be one of the most frustrating interactions a customer can have. As with (#4 above), customers are now armed with enough technology that instead of serving as the intended compliment to your service, they can and will become a substitution!
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